CH JRK's Mason Storm
Mason has been very successful in the show ring in both confirmation and most recently, Rally Obedience. He earned his Champion Title with UKC, multiple wins, Best of Breed and group wins. He has a wonderful disposition and presence. If you are interested in breeding to this outstanding Male please contact me to discuss details.
DOB: 12/17/2019
UKC: P921-815
IABCA: 44550
OFA: hips "Excellent"
OFA: elbows " Normal"
JLPP: normal/clear

Multi V1 ratings, National, International, Honors Champion and Honors Champion Bronze. Best of Breed.
Producer of EXCELLENT hip rating
DOB: 9-05-2017
AKC #WS58255201
UKC# P907-746
IABCA# 39421
OFA ~ Hips "Good"
OFA ~ Elbows "Normal"
JLPP: Normal/Clear

Mini- Long haired Dachshunds
Whether you are looking for a great pet or you want a show/breeding dog. These dogs are smart, willing to learn, and trainable. Stay tuned for breeding udates. We have found Max's full brother that could be his twin, and are plannng on breeding to him this spring.
Vom Thunderheart Minnie Radar- AKA Millie
AKC, UKC & IABCA registered.
DOB: 9/26/2018
Maximus Vom Springseil- AKA Max
UKC, & IABCA registered
DOB: 4/13/2019
Successfully shown as a puppy, and plans are to continue to his show career as an adult